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Bus & Walking Tour

About the Bus & Walking Tour Committee

The NAIOP Oregon Annual Bus Tour Committee plans, coordinates, and implements the chapter’s annual one day tour of exciting real estate projects around the region.

Participation on the Committed affords members the opportunity to communicate with all aspects of the real estate spectrum through the various duties of the committee. We work as a team to familiarize ourselves with development projects in various stages of development around the region. We then recommend a tour concept to the board for approval. We coordinate with project developers for building tours, pitch tour sponsorships, select rendezvous points, participate in the creation of the project tour book, manage the tour schedule, and ensure the overall success of the event.

Interested in joining or learning more about the Annual Bus Tour Committee?  Reach out to the co-chairs below!

Todd Duwe


Todd Duwe
Perlo Construction
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Teresa Carr


Teressa Carr
Port of Portland
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